Tuesday, February 5, 2008

V-Day – “YES” On Props 94-97 Trended Up

The extensive advertising efforts have resulted in high voter awareness of the propositions, with about four out of five likely voters now professing to know something about the measures.

The latest Field Poll finds that as voter awareness has increased over the past two months opinions have changed. Voters have become increasingly more positive about Props. 94-97, the Indian gaming referendums.

The relatively small section of voters favoring Props. 94-97 in earlier surveys increased in the campaign’s final week. Statewide, 47% of likely voters are now inclined to vote Yes on the four Indian gaming referendums, while 34% are on the No side.

This 13-point Yes side advantage is up from earlier five and six percentage point leads in December and mid-January.

Democrats are now favoring the four Indian gaming referendums by eleven points (45% to 34%), and Republicans are backing them by eighteen points (51% to 33%). Non-partisans are narrowly supportive, 45% Yes and 37% No.

There are big differences in sentiment according to where voters live. In the vote-heavy Southern California regions where the Indian casinos in these referendums are located, voters are favoring the measures by large margins. However, voters in the San Francisco Bay Area are opposed 44% to 36%.

Both men and women are in favor of Props. 94-97, although men are backing them by a larger margin. Middle-of-the-roaders are voting Yes by a five to three margin (49% to 29%). Strong and moderate conservatives also favor the referendums by thirteen and ten points, respectively. Liberals are only narrowly on the Yes side.

Precinct voters are very much in favor of Props. 94-97, 50% to 30%. Mail ballot voters are also in favor, but by a smaller 45% to 38% margin.

In previous surveys, The Field Poll had found that voters were about evenly split on the fundamental question of whether Indian gaming should be expanded in California. Now, more voters favor its expansion in general than are opposed, 44% to 38%. Voters who line up in support of casino expansion overwhelmingly favor Props. 94-97, while voters opposed are opposing the referendums greater than four to one



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