Friday, February 1, 2008

Props 94-97 Update

Gov in LA to stump for a “YES” vote

Gov. Schwarzenegger will head to the Los Angeles area today to stump for a "Yes" vote on Propositions 94, 95, 96 and 97.

One stop is expected to take him to the Valley Industry and Commerce Association in Sherman Oaks, according to Schwarzenegger's political spokesperson Julie Soderland.

Until now, Schwarzenegger has delivered his message largely through TV commercials.

"Throughout the entire campaign we've been closely monitoring the issues and have said we would not get into specifics with regard to strategy,'' Soderland said. "This appearance is one more step along the way to show the governor supports and wants to see these propositions pass."

"He's going to do whatever he needs to see that they pass,'' Soderland said.

Pala and Auburn say they are opposed to these amended compacts because they believe that additional slot machines will negatively impact small, Native-owned casinos. Well here is a message for them from the ones they "say" they wish to protect.

A Message from Tribal Leaders of Non-Gaming and Small Gaming Tribes

Fellow Tribal Leaders:

As leaders of non-gaming tribes and tribes with small gaming operations whose compacts are not on the February 5 ballot, we write to urge you to join the YES for Propositions 94, 95, 96 & 97 campaign.

The opponents of Propositions 94, 95, 96 & 97 are waging a deceptive campaign. We want you to know who is actually behind the effort to break these agreements. The major funders of the "No" campaign include the owner of the Hollywood Park and Bay Meadows racetracks and the Sahara casino in Las Vegas; the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union (UNITE-HERE), and two tribes (Auburn and Pala) that already have the right to operate unlimited slot machines and have allied themselves with Cheryl Schmit and other long-standing opponents of tribal rights.

This is a simple issue: narrow special interests are once again trying to break an agreement with Indian tribes because they did not get what they wanted.

The outcome of this election will have lasting effects on the entire Indian gaming industry in this state. If Propositions 94-97 fail, we will have allowed three self-serving gaming interests to impose their own agenda(s) on all other tribes by inserting themselves into the government-to-government compact negotiation process. We cannot allow that to happen.

The four tribes whose compacts are subject to being broken have consistently stood with us since the very beginning of tribal government gaming. From day one, they have supported and protected the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund that assists tribes like ours.

We have closely examined Propositions 94-97, and have studied the compact amendments that these measures would uphold. These measures simply allow our fellow tribes to continue to make progress and provide $198 million into the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund. The compacts also include first-time protections that require the new monies paid to the State to be used to backfill any shortfalls that might occur in the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund.

The choice before us is clear: stand with our fellow tribes as one people and continue the progress that was started ten years ago; or go back to the old days when a powerful and wealthy few could easily break agreements with Indian tribes.

We ask you to please consider endorsing YES on Propositions 94, 95, 96 & 97 and encourage your tribal members to vote YES on these important measures.


Charles F. Wood
Chairman, Chemehuevi Indian Tribe

Carmella Icay-Johnson
Chairwoman, Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake

Matthew Franklin
Chairman, Ione Band of Miwok Indians


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