Friday, December 26, 2008

Calif -Nevada Governors Pushing High Speed Rail – Anaheim To Vegas

For the last 20 years it has only been a dream for proponents of a high speed, magnetic levitation train between linking Vegas and the Los Angeles area.

The dream is moving closer to reality.

Last month Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons' met with President-elect Barack Obama and among the topics was the fact that Gibbons and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger had agreed to move ahead with the high-speed train project.

The train, Gibbons believes, should be a candidate for federal economic stimulus money.

The rail line, which would generally follow the route of Interstate 15 and cost $12 billion to $13 billion, would create construction jobs in both states and, once complete, speed the arrival of tourists to Las Vegas.

A trip between Las Vegas and Anaheim could take as little as 86 minutes.

My question is… why would Arnold Schwarzenegger, after making hard won deals with the states Indian Tribes to allow expansion of their casinos in return for a slice of the revenue, now favor and help kick start a project that will help funnel Californians and thier money to Vegas?


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