Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Chumash honored by SB County

Santa Maria Times

A resolution passed unanimously Tuesday by the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors cites the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians' “positive economic impact to Santa Barbara County through jobs, charitable contributions and its premier entertainment destination, the Chumash Casino Resort.”

Coinciding with Native American Heritage Month, a framed copy of the resolution was presented to Tribal Chairman Vincent Armenta at the Board of Supervisors' meeting in Santa Barbara.

“I'm honored and I'm pleased to see this board recognize the importance that Native Americans, and in particular the Chumash, have had in this area and in the history of the United States and its development, since the beginning,” Armenta remarked. “Today, through this resolution, makes me believe that the board is recognizing and understanding the importance of the tribe and tribal government, which I believe will open the doors to great communication and great things for this county in the future.”

The resolution acknowledges that “for over 9,000 years, it was the Native Americans who inhabited the land we know today as Santa Barbara County and the Chumash who created sophisticated commerce through trade.” The Chumash, it adds, “have gained cultural and economic prominence and made valuable contributions to our society.”


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