Monday, October 1, 2007

Valley Journal Letter Libelous?

“…it is the SYV Journal’s policy not to publish personal attacks,…” This is the stated policy of the Valley Journal or more specifically Nancy Crawford-Hall. Yet in the September 22, 2007 issue of the VJ she published a letter which was clearly a personal attack on Vincent Armenta. Even worse is that it was an anonymous letter and that she encouraged more of the same. Quotes from the published letter include: “He is so wrapped in secrecy and suspicions, one would think it’s only HIS business.” “He claims economic diversion, well one example of that was renting our property to the “stoneman” on Numancia; he didn’t discuss that with the tribe either. How much income is that for the tribe, or someone? “If anyone in the tribe goes against him. he will do his best to neutralize them.” “We do not have a democratic government like he wants everyone to believe. If we did, more members would voice their opinion without fear of retaliation. Believe this, he’s not above that.”

Law describes defamation as the communication of a statement that makes a false claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may harm the reputation of an individual or an organization. Statements made as "facts" are frequently actionable defamation and most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against criticism.

The VJ did not disclaim the above mentioned letter as anonymous opinion therefore it must be conferred that the above quotes are published as facts. These are personal attacks on Mr. Armenta from an anonymous source which defame his character where the truth cannot be proven.

Generally, a person is libeled if a publication:

Exposes them to hatred, ridicule or contempt
Causes them to be shunned or avoided
Discredits them in their trade, business or profession
Generally lowers them in the eyes of right thinking members of society

The publication of the anonymous letter, in my opinion, meets this definition and is a clear example of shameful journalism. It casts a true light on the VJ as an amateur publication. There are some very good, highly professional people who write for the VJ, but all in all it has a long way to go to becoming a legitimate professional publication. Publishing personal attacks as well as publishing Internet hoaxes as truth on the front page (Mars as big as a full moon in the sky? have to be kidding me!) shows that Ms Crawford-Hall has a lot to learn before she gets out of the hobby stage as a publisher.

This is a good place to start. The Industry standard follows these publishing protocols and I suggest in the future you follow them.

Letters must be signed and the writer's address must be included. Only the name and city of residence will be printed.

Letters should focus on issues and not people. Letters of personal attack will not be printed.

Letters must not demonstrate prejudice against a particular race, religion, ethnicity or gender.

Letters should not contain libelous statements, which are false statements that could defame the character of a person.

Letters or announcements must not advocate lifestyles that are an affront to community standards.


Anonymous said...

Nancy has petitioned the county to ascertain the status of a newspaper of general circulation. The public can oppose this by writing a deposition in support of the oppositions and forwarding it to either Sam Cohan Atty or to the Publisher at the Santa Maria Times. Both of those entities have filed oppositions to Nancy's petition and the next hearing for the matter is Feb 13, 2008. They could fill you in on how to submit your deposition and make your voice heard.

We all know that Mrs. Crawford-Hall's paper is not a paper of General Circ nor deserving of such a status or monetary benefits of such. Her only purpose in owning the paper is to target the local tribe.

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