Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Proposed Bill - 25-Year Moratorium on Casino Building After Recognition

U.S. Rep. John Campbell, R-Irvine, has proposed a bill that would put a 25-year moratorium on casino building after any tribe receives federal recognition. In Mr. Campbell's view, "This bill would ensure that if people are going to ask to be recognized as a tribe, the reason they're doing it is to preserve their cultural heritage and not to establish a casino that other people can't."

The driving force for the legislation is an effort by the Juaneno Mission Indians of Orange County to gain federal status.

See Oct 3 Post: http://rml-sulumhasscientia.blogspot.com/2007/10/juaneno-band-of-orange-county-25-year.html

Personal comment:

Wouldn't this legislation just widen the gap between the "have's" and the "have not's" among the tribes in California? It would basically ensure that the very successful tribes with casinos already built will have no competition for a very long time.


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