Thursday, July 12, 2007

Opponents of Compacts May Look to Referendums

The compacts signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger a couple days ago do not take effect until Jan. 1, but their final processing in the next day or two will start the clock on a 90-day window for opponents to collect signatures needed to put the deals to a statewide vote.

Labor unions angry that they did not get the enhanced collective bargaining language they wanted in the agreements have been in talks with other special interests that might join them in a drive to qualify referendums on the ratification measures. “There have been in-depth discussions with respect to funding, with possible consultants, with signature gathering firms, etc., but it's a big nut that has to be cracked,” said Jack Gribbon, state political director of the casino workers union UNITE HERE.

A representative of two of the major horse racetracks said they also are pondering a referenda push. “We are still very much, and very actively, exploring and weighing all the options available to us,” said Greg Larsen, a spokesman for the Hollywood Park and Bay Meadows tracks. “A referendum is clearly one of the leading possibilities.”

To qualify, a ballot measure to overturn state legislation requires nearly 434,000 signatures. The vote would be held in conjunction with the Feb. 5 presidential primary election. Because the compacts were ratified in four separate bills, opponents would have to collect 434,000 valid signatures to qualify a referendum for each one.

Pechanga Chairman Mark Macarro said a referendum would be a mistake. “That would just be a tremendous waste of energy and money,” Macarro said. “There's been a lot of hyperbole along the road in trying to get this compact ratified. The fact is we follow the law and we do everything that we're supposed to do.”

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