Thursday, May 3, 2007

Governor Warns The Assembly

The Governor yesterday warned the Assembly that not ratifying the renegotiated compacts will mean less state money for "vulnerable citizens". He said "Assembly Democrats need to choose between labor union allies who oppose the gaming deals and the millions of residents who would benefit from the money generated by the agreements."

A spokesman for Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, D-Los Angeles, dismissed the governor's warning. Spokesman Steve Maviglio said the administration is "in fantasyland" about how much money the compacts would generate for the state.

Schwarzenegger's January budget proposal assumed that the deals would yield $506 million in 2007-08. Last week his office revised that figure to $313.5 million (The “Revenue Estimate Lowered” post in this blog cited a Capitol Weekly article which said the number was lowered to $382 million.)

The Legislature's non-partisan fiscal analyst, though, has said the compacts would yield about $200 million at most in 2007-08.

Full Article Here:


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